+13025202693 [email protected]


1925 Lovering Ave
Wilmington, DE 19806
Delaware – United States
Email: [email protected]



Established in Chile in 2016, M4TS has served both national and international markets. Since 2021, we have expanded our operations to the United States as M4TS LLC, specializing in the supply of equipment and systems for handling materials such as minerals, concentrates, and mineral salts, among others.

We are dedicated to fostering sustainable productivity in the global mining and associated industries. M4TS provides industry-leading engineering, equipment, and service solutions that empower our customers to enhance performance, reduce costs, and minimize environmental impact.

Our team of professionals has diverse backgrounds, including mining, on-site operations, planning, and industrial-mining maintenance. Our clients trust us and acknowledge our unwavering commitment to the mining process.


Vision Statement:

To become the global leader in providing material handling solutions for customers seeking high-quality and dependable products.

Mission Statement:

M4TS aims to design and supply material handling equipment and engineering solutions that surpass customer expectations.

To achieve this, we are committed to:

  1. Continuously improving our products and services for our customers;
  2. Setting and reviewing objectives to support our ongoing enhancement efforts;
  3. Offering a safe, challenging, and rewarding work environment for our most valuable asset: our team members.

M4TS General Brouchure

The M4TS General Brouchure is aviable to download below.

It provides current M4TS bussiness information, products, equipments, and services.



  Download other M4TS documents and policies.

Quality Certificate

ISO 9001 is the most widely used quality management standard, and has recently undergone a periodic update to better reflect modern business challenges. Last modified in 2008, the new 2015 version of ISO 9001 is the result of input from business and technical experts around the world.

Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Policy

This health and safety policy sets out our general approach to health and safety. It explains how M4TS, as an employer, will manage health and safety issues.

COVID-19 Response

At M4TS, the safety and wellbeing of our employees and contractors is the highest priority while ensuring the continuity of our business during these rapidly evolving and challenging times.

Human Rights Policy

At M4TS, the focus of our concern is on operating responsibly, transparently and efficiently, with a longterm vision and respect for the human rights of all our collaborators.
Our undertaking is to respect and fulfil all internationally recognized human rights. These rights include those indicated in the International Bill of Human Rights, which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Compliance Policy

M4TS strictly prohibits any actions or attempts to improperly influence government personnel or private individuals for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage for M4TS’s commercial interests. Employees who violate the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, any equivalent foreign laws, or fail to adhere to our Compliance Policy and related policies will face disciplinary action, including potential termination of employment.

M4TS promotes sustainable productivity for the global mining and related industries. We offer top-notch engineering, equipment, and service solutions that empower our customers to enhance performance, lower costs, and minimize environmental impact.

1925 Lovering Ave
Wilmington, DE 19806

Delaware - United States
US Phone: +19452340499
Email: [email protected]

Callao 2970 Office 704
Las Condes - Santiago
Phone: + 56 22234418
Email: [email protected]

Carlos Quijano 1290 Office 101
Montevideo - Uruguay
Email: [email protected]